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Homeowners who attempt to learn how to file a claim for roof damage get intimidated by the process. The roof insurance claim process is complicated, even to the inexperienced. But if your roof is in a terrible condition, you have no choice but to go through it.

In Baton Rouge, people usually worry about hurricanes. Remember Hurricane Katrina? If you’re ever dealing with roof damage due to a recent storm or bad weather, don’t worry. Top Team Roofing & Construction shares all the steps you must take to filing roof insurance claims.

For the first part this post, we’ll tackle the steps on how to get a new roof for free or have your current roof repaired. The last part tells you what to do if your storm damage claim gets denied.

Keep reading.

4 steps to filing roof insurance claims

Remember: Your roof is a vital part of your home. Filing a claim at the earliest possible time increases your chances of getting coverage. Be sure to follow these tips.

Step 1: Review your insurance policy.

If you suspect storm damage to your roof, first, find out what the insurance company covers. Different companies have different approaches when it comes to insurance claims. Make sure that you have a copy of the current policy with you. You can also call your insurance provider immediately especially if the roof damage is extensive.

Also, insurance may take into account these factors to determine coverage:

Roofing age – Yes, the age of roof and insurance coverage go hand in hand. Some insurance companies only pay for what the roof is worth if it’s over 20 years old.

The condition of the roof – How well your roof was built, and your attention to its care and maintenance affect coverage. In this case, you realize the importance of getting regular roofing inspections. Insurance companies ask for proof.

Discounts – Each state offers discounts when it comes to roof repairs and replacements. Homeowners who live in a disaster-prone area get higher discounts.

Step 2: Document any evidence noted.

Your next step in the process of how to file a claim for roof damage is to gather pieces of evidence. Take pictures and videos. Write down notes about your observations, the date and time, etc. Most insurance providers will ask you to show evidence. More information helps a lot with the technical part of the claims process.

Do you know what to look for? Here are the signs of hail, storm, and wind damage:

  • Missing roof shingles
  • Cracked roof shingles
  • Shingle bruises
  • A large pile of asphalt granules at the downspouts
  • Dents on nearby items such as cars and AC units (indicative of hail)
  • Flat membrane cracks or tear (if you have a flat roof)
  • Ceiling leaks
  • Broken, dented gutters
  • Tree damage
  • Moisture marks inside your house

Note that you won’t be able to document all these signs of damage. That said, we move on to step 3.

Step 3: Hire a roofing contractor to make a detailed assessment.

Choose a roofing contractor that specializes in storm damage insurance claims. Roofing specialists that know how to file a claim for roof damage will gather complete evidence for you by doing a thorough inspection. Expert assessments differentiate between normal wear and tear and storm-related roofing damage. Hidden damage is also uncovered.

A local roofing company may have public adjusters that deal with insurance providers on a homeowner’s behalf. Remember, don’t just hire any roofer. The last thing you want is to hire a “storm chaser.”

To refine your roofing contractor search, consider a contractor’s business permits and licenses, location, and client references.

Here at Top Team Roofing & Construction, we specialize in insurance claims in the event of severe weather conditions. We’ll help you navigate the roofing insurance claims for storm damage processes.

Step 4: Wait for the insurance provider’s approval.

After you’ve filed the claim, the next thing to do is to wait for an approval. If the insurance company approves your claim, they’ll issue the first check. Do not start the roof repair or replacement work until you get the first check.

The second check will be given to you after the roofing job has been completed to cover the remaining expenses. Now you can enjoy your newly repaired or replaced roof!

Roof Insurance Claim Denied: What to Do

One of the insurance roof replacement questions we usually receive is this: “What can I do if my home insurance company denies my claim?” Well, most homeowners who don’t get approved immediately lose hope.

Here’s what you should do first: contact your insurance provider to go over the claim once more. You might be able to present better pictures that show the roof damage. Perhaps the previous images weren’t so clear. You can also consider getting a new estimate.

A second opinion from a professional will help you make an argument.

If none of your efforts work, you might have to consider contacting the Louisiana Department of Insurance. Ask for help in the investigation of your claim. Remember that insurance companies also act in their bests interests.

Need Expert Help Filing Roof Insurance Claims?

Top Team Roofing & Construction hopes that you gained helpful information from today’s guide. In case you haven’t checked out our previous guide about getting a new roof through insurance, please read it.

Again, learning how to file a claim for roof damage can be tricky and complex. Busy homeowners or those who file claims for the first time would rather hire help. This is why we are here for you. We offer Louisiana roof insurance claim services. We carefully evaluate storm-damaged roofs and generate accurate quotes.

Let us know if you need a roof repair or replacement after a storm or suspect severe damage. We’ll send a Top Team roof insurance claims specialist to your home to assess the damages and begin the claims process.

Schedule a roofing inspection today: 225.571.1740